Read my mind n Welcome 2 my world

Sunday, August 13, 2006

"Yun, It's a good chance." I think u must apply for the position.
"Being an editor? I've never thought of that."
"Trust me. I know you can."Rony, my colleage in LIA Bintaro convinced me.
"I don't know"
"Try!! Nothing to lose anyway."

I have to thank this guy. Definitely.
I find my world when i work as an Editor in C'nS Junior Magazines. I always like writing but I never thought writing stories can be this fun. Who knows I can be a writer one day. A real one. Somebody who's full of imagination and whose words can be a lesson for life.

I never thought getting into the children's world is so much fun. I feel like my mind, thought and soul are enriched day by day. Join my world, guys!! hopefully you get the same feeling as I do.